CUHK Business School Development Fund – Online Donation Platform
香港中文大學商學院發展基金 – 網上捐款平台

I / My company would like to make a donation to the CUHK Business School Development Fund in support of teaching and research, student activities and scholarships and financial aid.*
本人 / 本機構願意捐贈予「香港中文大學商學院發展基金」支持教學及研究、學生活動及獎助學金。*

*Mandatory Fields 必須填寫
Donation Amount 捐款金額*
Donation Frequency 捐款次數*
One-off gift 單次捐款
Recurrent gift 定期捐款
Donor Particulars 捐款人資料*
Donation by an Individual 以個人名義捐款
Donation by an Organisation 以機構名義捐款
Donor Name / Contact Person 捐款人姓名 / 聯絡人資料*
I wish to remain ‘anonymous’ for the donation. 本人欲以「無名氏」身份捐款。
I need a receipt. 我需要收據。**
For CUHK Alumni Only 香港中文大學校友適用
Faculty 學院
Latest Graduation Programme 最近期畢業課程
Latest Graduation Year 最近畢業年份

* Donations and proceeds generated from the development fund will help support special initiatives and meet the specific needs of the Business School as they arise. 商學院將按當前需要分配使用基金善款及其衍生之利息或收益。
** Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible with an official receipt. 捐贈HK$100或以上可獲發正式收據作減稅之用。

Acceptance of donation is subject to the approval of the University Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All unaccepted donations will be returned to the respective donors.

I WISH to be contacted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong for direct marketing purposes relating to donation solicitation and/or the promotion of activities of the University.
Do not agree 不同意

Disclaimer 聲明
The Chinese University of Hong Kong will collect personal data from you for the purpose of donation record keeping and reporting to the University’s concerned units in strict compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your personal data will as a matter of principle not be disclosed to any third party except with your prior consent.


To donate to CUHK Business School by crossed cheque, please click here to download our paper donation form. Crossed cheque payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” together with a completed paper donation form could be mailed to Alumni Affairs and Development Office, CUHK Business School, 15/F Cheng Yu Tung Building, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong. If an official receipt for tax exemption in the U.S. or Canada is desired, please click here for more information. For enquiries, please contact us at
如以支票捐助商學院,請按此下載紙本捐款表格,列印並填妥表格後,請連同抬頭為「香港中文大學」的劃線支票寄回香港新界沙田澤祥街12號鄭裕彤樓15樓香港中文大學商學院校友事務與發展辦公室。 如需捐款收據申請美國或加拿大扣減稅項,請按此參閱詳情。如有任何查詢,請電郵至